WHAT EXACTLY IS Dr Moli's MedaCann?
Dr Moli's MedaCann is a natural plant-strengthening formula that contains natural compounds found in most plants. An organic compound used in plant defense and many diverse developmental pathways such as seed germination, root growth, flowering, fruit ripening, and increases mortality in your plants. MedaCann will strengthen their defense systems protecting them from harsh environmental conditions.
$19 for a 4 oz. bottle. Makes 3 Gals Fast Shipping - BUY NOW

Medacann Will Increase Plants Strength
- Promotes improved foliage
- Promotes improved Blooms
- Promotes improved rooting and branching.
- 100% effective on cannabis - hemp plants.
Dr Moli's MedaCann Strengthens :
Many natural defense compounds including antioxidants, phenolic and protective proteins are produced throughout the leaves, stems and roots.
MedaCann Works
Flowering Plants:
This product works as strengthener for the following: Cannabis (Makes Buds and Trichomes Bigger-Up To 30%), Flowering Plants, Fruits, Vegetables, Non Food Plants. All Plants.

A complete crop protection.
- Exceeds standards
- Highest purity level, and safe on food crops and all non food crops.
- For use on food crops and all non food crops; it can be used in grow rooms, greenhouses, on field crops, or on trees, shurbs, plants, and fruit trees.
- Dr Moli's MedaCann Will NOT harm your plants, when applied as directed.
Good for Plants
Helping your plants thrive - You will see the difference within minutes.
Ingredients: Contains nonplant food (equals non fertilizer) ingredients
5.6% Vitamin B .02 % 4.2% Hedione-(jasmine Extract)
Do Not Drink concentrated MedaCann.
No adverse affects.

Using DrMoli's MedaCann:
How much MedaCann should I use?
Mix MedaCann in water at the of 1.33 oz. (8 teaspoons) per gallon of water is recommended for most applications.
May I enter the sprayed area the same day MedaCann was sprayed?
Yes entering area after spraying is safe. Avoid breathing liquid. Spray away from face.
Will MedaCann injure my ladybugs or lacewings? NO.
MedaCann is safe to beneficial insects.
Will MedaCann affect flavor, taste or quality?
MedaCann is a "Plant Strenghtener" that enhances your plants natural flavors, taste and quality. As well as it's fragrance.
Are there any storage conditions which might affect quality of the MedaCann?: YES
- DO NOT store MedaCann at temperatures below freezing.
- Shake Well prior to use.
What is the minimum spraying temperature requirement?
Do not spray when freezing temperatures are anticipated within 48 hours of an MedaCann application.
Should MedaCann be applied at temperatures above 90˚F ?
NO. MedaCann should be applied at temperatures below 90 degrees.
If applied under 90˚ F and the temp later rises above 90˚ F, is there risk of injury?
No, not under normal circumstances. The temperature at the time of application is the critical factor, thus spraying should be limited to cooler nighttime or daytime periods.
What type of personal protective equipment is necessary to spray the MedaCann?
No special clothing required when applying MedaCann ..maybe gloves if you have sensitive skin.

Growing Marijuana Plants

What are the highest THC strains?
- Fat Bastard - With up to 38% THC this Hybrid is the highest THC strain around. Big Fat Buds!
- Godfather OG - With THC levels up to 34% This old school strain is a great choice.
- Gush Mints - New and exciting with THC levels up around 33% +. Tight frosty nuggets.
- Velvet Lushers - High THC at 33% +. A great yield, easy to grow. Good looking bud!