Holi Moli - An American Seed Co.
White Flies are Harmful To PlantsScientific Name: Trialeurodes vaporariorum , and Bemisia tabaci
Nickname: Greenhouse Whitefly, Sweet Potato Whitefly Appearance/Size: Adults are 1-2 mm in length, with yellowish bodies and four wax-coated wings held near parallel to the leaf surface.
Prefered Habitat:They like fair weather, extreme hot or cold will kill them. Adults are normally found on the underside of leaves. Reproduction:Females are capable of mating less than 24 hours after hatching and most frequen-tly lay their eggs on the undersides of leaves. Eggs are pale yellow in colour, before turning grey prior to hatching. Eat: Crop damage through direct feeding, in-serting their stylet into leaf veins. As a by-product, honeydew is excreted a second, major source of damage. The third and most harmful characteristic is the ability of adults to transmit several plant viruses. The Cure: Eliminator The best sure way to rid yourself of these pest is to use Drmoli's Eliminator. Just spray pest and plants, problem gone. |
Categories: Cannabis Seeds Worldwide Root, Cannabis Seeds, USA, Medicinal Seeds, Strains, Symptoms, High CBD Seeds, Photoperiod Seeds, Insomnia, Migraine, Feminized Seeds, Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Arthritis, Anxiety, Stress, Fibromyalgia, Glaucoma, Depression, Conditions, Best Sellers, California, Beginner Seeds, Indoor Seeds, HoliMoli Seed Bank, Seed Bank.