Scientific Name: Syrphidae: Diptera
Nickname: Syrphid Fly
About 1/4 to 3/4 inch long. Adults resemble bee’s but only have 2 sets of wings instead of 4. Larvae have long bodies, (1/32 to 1/2 inch) they are legless, and look like slugs. Colors: yellow, pink, green, or brown marked with black or white.
Prefered Habitat:
They are pretty resilient to hot and cold temperatures, and prefer locations where food is abundant.
Laingy single white eggs on leaves near food source. Larvae or maggots hatch from eggs in about 3 days. The skin of the last stage larva forms the tan-brown teardrop shaped puparium. Adults emerge in one to two weeks.
The larvae of syrphid flies are the bigger hunters, consuming aphids, spider mites and other soft bodied insects. Each larva can consume up to 400 aphids during development. Adults feed mainly on honeydew and nectar.
Release Rates: Because of their life cycle, it’s impossible to raise them commercia-lly; therefor unable for purchase.Side Notes: Syrphid flies resemble bee’s as a natural defense from birds.